Learn a trade in 8 weeks under the guidance of an experienced tutor. After the course, you can get a job
in a web studio, or freelance work.

The course is an opportunity to

Earn money on freelancing
Create a new source of income, start earning on freelancing by applying the knowledge gained on the course.

Get a new profession in IT
Graduates find jobs in IT companies and web studios. Build your career
as a web developer.

Start a personal project
Invest in knowledge while saving time, money and independence from developers. You will create a functional and beautiful website for yourself or your business.

Course Program

Standard rate
Module 1: Basics of HTML and CSS. Validation. Hosting and domain
Module 2: Block layout. Flexbox. Figma
Module 3. Site layout. Forest Travel project
Module 4. Adaptive layout for mobile devices
Module 5. Best practices of layout. SCSS and BEM naming. Graphics optimization
Module 6. JS basics and scripts for project
Module 7. PHP feedback forms. Optimization of layout. CSS Grid. Bootstap 5
Module 8. Employment and freelancing. Earnings on web development

Premium group
Module 9. JavaScript and jQuery plugins for website layout
Module 10. PHP basics. Sending forms to mail and saving data in the database
Module 11. Website management system WordPress
Module 12. Additional tools. Version control and project assembly