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Brotli Test

Verify Brotli compression support

Brotli Test FAQ

What is Brotli compression?

Brotli is a new open source compression algorithim developed by Google as an alternative to Gzip, Zopfli, and Deflate. Google's case study on Brotli has shown compression ratios of up to 26% smaller than current methods, with less CPU usage.

Brotli Support

Both the server and the client (browser) must be Brotli compatible to take advantage of smaller file sizes and be running over an HTTPS connection. Brotli compression is currently supported by the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Chrome 49+
  • Mozilla Firefox: Firefox 44+
  • Opera: Opera 36+

Brotli Test Tool

With our tool you can quickly check if your web server is sending the Brotli compressed payload to your clients. Negotiation is done via the Accept-Encoding: br request header. Servers can add "br" to Content-Encoding: br to encode a response with Brotli.

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