Application architectures with persistent storage

Author: Kasper B. Graversen
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Architecture Design Database Monolith Micro Service

Through time as hardware got faster and cheaper, the role of databases in application architecture vastly changed - from many applications sharing the same database, to having a single application using many databases. Let's have a look at the various architectures.

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With the rise of the micro service architecture in particular, we see a new way of organizing data storage of an application. From ancient time (1960s) till today we see vastly different perspectives on what constitutes proper database design. Not surprisingly, the technical evolution of the hardware databases are running on impacts how we use them. But just as importantly, the growing dependence on tooling and the maturity of those, raises the bar for increasingly looser coupling.

1. Table sharing: One database for different applications

This is the idea that you have one database available for all your applications. The applications not only share the same database, they may share the tables as well. You'll see this architectural style in use in the oldest of applications - typically mainframe applications. In the banking and stock market industry even today you'll see this application in full use. While the whole idea sounds a bit crazy, remind yourself, that there are still many applications out there plugged together in this style. And moving away from mainframes has proved difficult. Performance and transactional safety is unparallel measured in hardware performance. Simple, fast and transactional inter-application communication. No need for a messaging infrastructure such as messaging-components or file-ftp'ing onto shared drives.

But there are severe consistency concerns. Any change can have unpredictable consequences. Since any program may write any data to any table, a careless implementation in one application may render the data unusable to other applications - perhaps even making them crash. A change requires the understanding of the invariants of each application and the change must be classified as being a breaking or non-breaking change. In the case of breaking changes multiple applications need be upgraded and released in a big bang fashion.



Required tooling and tooling maturity index: Low

2. Multitenancy: One database for multiple application instances

This is the idea that you keep several instances of an application on the same database. For example, administrative systems licensed and hosted for different clients. The means by which you distinguish rows belonging to one client from the rows of another client is by adding a column to each database table with the identity of the owner. For example the column OwnerId or ClientId. Notice that the architecture style presented in (1) can easily be combined with this architectural style.

Many of the concerns raised in (1), of course, also apply to this architecture. But there are differences to the advantages of this approach. I guess the reason why this architecture arises in system after system, is that it solves concrete problems. The event where a software vendor goes from one to two clients, with little to no automation, suddenly he finds himself seriously lacking automation. And typically, the first few clients are small with little cash in their pockets. So a solution has to be found that is fast and affordable. I believe this is why this pattern is so common... Busy software shops buy time with this architecture: All the infrastructure for propagating database changes, keeping several databases structurally in sync is solved. When the software changes due to features or bug fixing, it is easy to propagate the changes to all clients - after all there is only one database!

With the rapid advancement of cloud hosting and PaaS, the term multi tenant architecture has been re-branded as more intelligent ways of sharing resources and keeping licensing costs down. It is different in the sense that tenants are isolated from each other and the resource are shared fairly between tenants. In this article we are talking about the low-level implementation at the table level.



Required tooling maturity: 1

3. One databases for one application instance

This is the idea that each application instance should own its own database. This is the natural approach form most modern software development (when they don't choose architecture (5)). For a single application instance there is no overhead of this architecture, whereas more structured work flows are required when the number of application instances grow. As noted above, time pressure may throw a project spiraling down into the architecture described in (2).

Interestingly, the advantages and disadvantages in (1) and (2) have now all switched places in this architecture. ​​



Required tooling maturity: 3

4. OLTP-OLAP segregation: Two databases for one application instance

This is the idea that the database is split in two in recognition, that there are two distinct usages of the database. An OLTP (On-line Transaction Processing) database which is characterized by a large volume short lived transactions. Primary concern is fast query processing. An OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing, AKA Data Warehouse) database which is characterized by low volume of transactions, often long-running and complex. Typically these transactions deal with BI or Data mining like historic data and producing key business-performance indicators.

Data is organized differently in the two systems to cater for the very different nature of the queries performed in the two systems. Hence OLTP-databases typically organize data star schemas (multi-dimensional schemas) that allows for easy aggregation across business entities.

​​ Advantages


Required tooling maturity: 5

5. Multiple databases for one application instance

This is the idea that a single application instance is using several databases for storing its state. The databases may mix and match different technologies (e.g. SQL and NoSQL) that best fit the problem domain. The choice of database technology hinges on whether your business data is more in alignment with say a graph than a relation database. For example, you centralize all logging in ElasticSearch and all your performance metrics in InfluxDb. These services are tailored for these exact use scenarios. And similarly, other parts of your application may choose to store its data in a database of its own. Yes, we are now entering the land of micro services. And while not explicitly shown in the depiction, this architecture can easily encompass one or more OLAP databases thrown into the mix.​

Contrasting this architecture to the architecture of (1) this architecture seems almost perverted - the sheer resources required for servers and inter-service communication is staggering.​​ Not to mention, it is quite common for micro services to store state from other parts of the system in their own database in order to reduce the number of requests to other services. Hence the storage requirements rise. A service may choose to listen to one or more kinds of events, and it may update its state about other parts of the system through said events' payload.

An important side note to this architecture is a considered need for infrastructure. With loose coupling you need a communication mechanism. With the many independent processes on many machines, a simple logging of program state requires tools such as a shared storage for logging messages as it quickly becomes impractical to log on to several machines.

​​ Advantages


Required tooling maturity: 10

6. Summary

With the different architectural styles we observe a fan of approaches. The more you entangle your applications, the more opportunities there are for reaping resource benefits and light-weight transactional safety. Partly that is the reason it has shown surprisingly difficult to re-write old mainframe in modern programming languages using modern architectures whilst maintaining performance. On the other hand, changes become increasingly difficult to carry out, to the point where your applications are in a choke-hold.

At the other end of the spectrum, emphasis is put on isolating business in bounded contexts. Isolation enables independent upgrade and roll-out of new features, and easier extension of the system. The cost is sacrificing the ACID properties across business entities, more data duplication, and a growing need for infrastructure. I

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