Our goal is to build and maintain tools used by developers and engineers in product development and delivery. Join the team responsible for creating the various systems we use to operate the NYT in a reliable manner.
The New York Times
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In brief
The New Stack
Hayden James
Simon Taranto
Five questions for a product engineer at SoundCloud on Kubernetes & Prometheus.
Mirai infects IoT devices and uses them to perform DDoS attacks. Our scanner checks if devices on your network are infected by or vulnerable to Mirai.
Imperva Incapsula   sponsored 
Asad Dhamani
Quickly pinpoint what’s broken and why. Get the context and insights to defeat all software application errors.
ROLLBAR   sponsored 
“Why PaaS and Docker might not be useful anymore.”
Oliver Wolf
Sysadmin 4 lyfe
A dozen container anti-patterns explained.
Arun Gupta
Scott McCarty
Jose Hidalgo
David Thor